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Administrative Departments

In order for King Hamad University Hospital to function more fully and provide its medical services in a better manner, there must be an administrative structure, which carries out the administrative services activities that are concerned with the implementation of the policies, regulations and directives for securing the necessary manpower…

Diagnostic Services

Imaging Services provide a full range of medical imaging and diagnostic services, from routine x-rays, specialist scans including CT and MRI, to interventional procedures. The following services are available:

  • Plain film imaging
  • CT scans
  • MRI Scans
  • PET-CT
  • Ultrasound Scans
  • Nuclear Medicine Scans
Medical Services
Medical Services

This specialized services in all medical fields, which include:

  • General surgery includes: General surgery and surgery of breast tumors, restoration and surgery of obesity and endoscopy Oral and maxillofacial surgery Plastic surgery Urology Pediatric surgery, ophthalmology, ENT. Orthopedics, Neurosurgery, Dentistry, Treatment and follow-up of chronic pain.
Quality & Safety

The King Hamad University Hospital is accredited by the Joint Commission International (JCI) and the NHRA as a commitment to quality and safety, which are the core of our mission and vision. We aim to achieve highest levels of quality and safety by engaging our team of doctors, nurses, therapists and other staff as well as partnership with the patient and their family members. We are committed…

Support Services

Clinical Dietician

Nutrition is an important factor that affects human health directly, since every individual has certain daily needs for the nutrients taken from food. Nutrients are essential for the human body to survive, grow, support immune system and prevent illnesses.

Dietician clinic is one of the important departments in the hospital, due to its huge…

Training & Research

KHUH Research Department

Research is an integral part of the vision and mission of King Hamad University Hospital (KHUH). The Research Department strives to maintain pace with leading frontiers in medical science and prioritize research in accordance with the National Health Regulatory Authority (NHRA), MoH Health Improvement Strategy, and the National Strategy for…

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